Definitions should be consistent #10

Open #10 opened by quillerbrooke on #6 Definitions of key terms · 2 replies

quillerbrooke remarked

Not sure I'd include this in your top list. Better to have a commonly agreed set of terms and then everyone use those, rather than each actor defining their own terms


Agreed - can we pull from an existing list / dictionary / taxonomy? And if those definitions are flawed in some way, perhaps then clarify the divergence from the definition(s) emerging as “industry” “standard”.?


Also, important to keep in mind that definitions are ultimately circular. A definition for word “A" when threaded back one at a time, eventually circles back to a word that is defined by - word "A". One way to test the robustness of the definitions, model, etc. (so this could be a question among the rest), is whether there are any contradictions identified? Essentially, this is applying the scientific method (think Karl Popper, falsification theory, etc. Whatever is proposed here will be challenged by many who disagree with its conclusions, so we need to ensure that conclusions from these analyses are themselves not built on weak foundations. 

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