The level of uncertainty applies to more than just the degree of change. At a minimum, uncertainty applies to scale, degree, and/or duration. We recommend making Criteria #34 either a Tier 2 criterion or a Tier 3 criterion that is not linked to any particular Tier 2 criterion. It may be helpful for developers to disclose how uncertainty is understood for all measurements and judgements made across the full impact and/or dependency pathway. It may also be useful to create a separate criterion to describe the judgements made and the rationale for making such judgments considering the uncertainty.
The level of uncertainty applies to more than just the degree of change. At a minimum, uncertainty applies to scale, degree, and/or duration. We recommend making Criteria #34 either a Tier 2 criterion or a Tier 3 criterion that is not linked to any particular Tier 2 criterion. It may be helpful for developers to disclose how uncertainty is understood for all measurements and judgements made across the full impact and/or dependency pathway. It may also be useful to create a separate criterion to describe the judgements made and the rationale for making such judgments considering the uncertainty.