Binary question of #28
#94 opened by tillbachmann on #28 Other impacts experienced by stakeholders
Definitions of #29
#95 opened by tillbachmann on #29 Baseline of change
"outcome" in #36?
#101 opened by tillbachmann on #36 Property rights
No difference to #31
#98 opened by tillbachmann on #32 Degree of change
More differentiation/clarity is necessary #38
#103 opened by tillbachmann on #38 Data types
Updates of original studies #39
#104 opened by tillbachmann on #39 Date of the value factor & updates
General comment on #40
#105 opened by tillbachmann on #40 The date of the underlying data
More explanation #47
#110 opened by tillbachmann on #47 Calculation proxies
wordy #49
#111 opened by tillbachmann on #49 Controls and assurance
Additional detail/Redundant
#119 opened by rdaulton on #5 Assumptions of the value factor
Type of standards #50
#112 opened by tillbachmann on #50 Standards for assurance processes and controls
Non-reproducible results #45
#108 opened by tillbachmann on #45 Methodologies used
Examples #52
#113 opened by tillbachmann on #52 Assurance standards for the process of acting in the interest of affected stakeholders
redundancy #53
#114 opened by tillbachmann on #53 Assurance process that acts in the interest of affected stakeholders
Relocation of criteria
#120 opened by rdaulton on #11 The impact or dependency pathway
"Stakeholder perspectives included" is missing
#115 opened by rdaulton on Value Commission - Draft Transparency Criteria Consultation
econometrics #46
#109 opened by tillbachmann on #46 Calculation parameters
#121 opened by rdaulton on #12 The causality of the impact or dependency pathway
Definition/Explanatory statement
#117 opened by rdaulton on #1 Scope of the Value Factor
Additional detail
#118 opened by rdaulton on #4 The change in stock or flow being valued
Additional detail
#122 opened by rdaulton on Stakeholder perspectives included
#123 opened by rdaulton on #14 Cultural context of stakeholders
#124 opened by rdaulton on #15 Geographic context of stakeholders
#125 opened by rdaulton on #16 Time preferences
Additional clarification
#127 opened by rdaulton on #19 Value perspective